Synthetic Telepathy

-Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function-

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Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life

Simple search Advanced search Professional search Map-based search Conceptual search E-mail notification Help :: About Projects Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life Start date:2011-05-01 End date:2012-04-30 Project Acronym:GUARDIAN ANGELS Project status:Completed Coordinator Organization name:ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE Administrative contact Address Name:Mihai Adrian IONESCU (Professor) -STATION 11 1015 LAUSANNE SCHWEIZ/SUISSE/SVIZZERA Region:RÉGION LÉMANIQUE Vaud Tel:+41-216933978 Fax:+41-216933640 E-mail:Contact URL: [...]

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Posted 11 years, 8 months ago.

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Becoming Borg to Become Immortal: Regulating Brain Implant Technologies

ELLEN M. McGEE a1 and GERALD Q. MAGUIRE JR. a2 a1 Long Island Center for Ethics, Long Island University, New York a2 Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Article author query mcgee em   [PubMed][Google Scholar] maguire gq   [PubMed][Google Scholar] Revolutions in semiconductor device miniaturization, bioelectronics, and applied neural control technologies are enabling scientists to create machine-assisted minds, [...]

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Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.

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Exocortex (Your brain on internet)

Exocortex From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An exocortex is a theoretical artificial external information processing system that would augment a brain’s biological high-level cognitive processes. An individual’s exocortex would be composed of external memory modules, processors, IO devices and software systems that would interact with, and augment, a person’s biological brain. Typically this interaction is described as being conducted through a direct brain-computer [...]

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Posted 11 years, 11 months ago.

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Multi-agent system

A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents within an environment. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems that are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or a monolithic system to solve. Intelligence may include some methodic, functional, procedural or algorithmic search, find and processingapproach. Topics where multi-agent systems research may deliver an appropriate approach include online [...]

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Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.

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Mind-boggling! Science creates computer that can decode your thoughts and put them into words

Technology could offer lifeline for stroke victims and people hit by degenerative diseases In the study, a computer analyzed brain activity and reproduced words that people were hearing By TAMARA COHEN UPDATED: 05:49 GMT, 1 February 2012 Comments (47) Share It sounds like the stuff of science fiction dreams – or nightmares. Scientists believe they have [...]

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Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.

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Defence Research: Nanotechnology, A Cloud of Dust Listens to You!

Defence Research: Nanotechnology A Cloud of Dust Listens to You! FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency: Miniaturization is one of the most powerful technology trends. Nanotechnology is here providing new materials with new properties. And micro-system technology providing sensors small as grains of dust or antennas only one thousandth of a millimeter in size (for optical [...]

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Posted 13 years, 3 months ago.

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Brain will be battlefield of future, warns US intelligence report

The human brain could become a battlefield in future wars, a new report predicts, including ‘pharmacological land mines’ and drones directed by mind control Rapid advances in neuroscience could have a dramatic impact on national security and the way in which future wars are fought, US intelligence officials have been told. In a report commissioned [...]

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Posted 13 years, 5 months ago.

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Uppsala University, research on bioethics

Bioethics deals with norms and value conflicts in health care and life science research. Issues covered are such priorities in health care, informed consent, neurobiological explanations of human consciousness, animal welfare and the use of biotechnology. The subject deals with philosophical, theological, legal and social aspects of medicine and biology. Norm and value conflicts arise [...]

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Posted 13 years, 9 months ago.

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Read This Thought: The U.S. Army is developing a technology known as synthetic telepathy that would allow someone to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone.

Vocal cords were overrated anyway. A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a word. The concept is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Known as synthetic [...]

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Posted 13 years, 9 months ago.

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